Friday, May 17, 2013

Daddy Told Me These Things

Little things to big people are big things to little people.  He reminded me often to listen and address the concerns and comments I heard from children seriously and compassionately as if they were coming from God's own lips.

He reminded me to listen.  That it was the most important thing each and every individual needed every day.  Like an intense hunger that exist in each human spirit - listen, just listen.

Pressure makes diamonds. He always thought I could do EVERYTHING! but at the same time reminded me what tomorrow was for - "to finish the things you don't get done today".

True wealth does not come on a bank statement, it comes in the eyes of the way your family looks at you.

Take care of the animal and it will take care of you. Dad was a dairy farmer and this was his way to say, "focus on the essential, foundational pieces of your job and everything else would work out fine".

People will try to make you feel less than you are, but only you can allow that.

Small children will cry and it is ok.

Little boys do NOT like to shop - don't torture them that way.