My 10 year old daughter has been discussing with me New Years' "Revolutions" for 2013 over the past couple of weeks. One of them is to take better care of her pets. I whole-heartedly support that idea.The first few times I didn't correct her terminology because I was really more interested in "what" she had to say than "how" she was saying it. But yesterday the opportunity came when I felt like it was time to talk about her choice of words. Here's how the conversation went:
"The word is resolution not revolution. R-e-s-o-l-u-t-i-o-n, not r-e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n."
"Well, what does resolution mean?"
"Too resolve to do something, not to revolt against something. Like, you are determined, you pledge, you are dedicated."
She was quiet, for just a couple of seconds and then quickly replied, "I think we will get a lot more accomplished if we revolt, I am sticking with my New Year Revolutions."
I got to thinking about all the implications of what she said; if we revolt against the behaviors that cause us to spend too much money, eat too much food, not care about others then maybe we would actually succeed with our dreams for the New Year.
Come on people, join the revolution this year!