Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pushy Friends

So I got called out this week.  Sitting and having lunch with one of my very best friends and she says, "so what's up with the blog?"  UGGGGG
She knows everything crazy that goes on in my life and she still has to push the buttons. It all evens out though, she tolerates me pushing her too.
We both decided that God loves a good comedy and we are just a modern day Laverne and Shirley for him to tune in to and get some good laughs.
I hope you read this.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Future Crime

Just finished watching TED video with Marc Goodman explaining about future crimes.  I think there could be a class where you could just watch TED videos and discuss them.  They are the most interesting people that get the spotlight. 
In Marc Goodman's he combines law enforcement, technology, and science and he includes the social aspect that engages each and every person to become involved.  What a great cross-curricular lesson this could be and kids would go nuts over it (aka: authentically engaged)
I watched another one with Jane McGonical about gaming to make yourself feel better.  She shares a method she learned that help heal herself.  Come on educators - use these in your class, not an excuse why you can't.
The lingering feeling I get after I watch a TED video is.....I wish I was that smart.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tie-ing Shoes

Hurrah for the nurse I encountered today.  She showed me how she had learned to cut and paste on the computer so she wouldn't have to re-type everything.  She was a very intelligent person - you can't get a nursing degree without being smart.  She told me she didn't really learn it, someone explained it to her. I told her I thought it was fabulous.  Each step we, digital immigrants, take into the new tech world is very important.  Using the new tools will save us time and make us more creative.  Another one of my techie hero - Ms. Angela Brotherton once explained to me, that when a person begins to use technology, they begin to think different.  That statement rang with so much truth, it's what pushes me as an educator to keep trying to keep up with the kids.  But I beg you children, don't give up on us please keep helping us oldies.  As my very wise nurse shared today, when her kids were trying to show her how to put pictures on facebook they went to fast and gave up on her ability to "get it".  She replied, " Do you think when I taught you to tie your shoes I did it really fast and only once?"
highlight text, contol c, control v
don't give up on us please

Saturday, June 23, 2012


So I got my twitter account set up.  I got my blog set up.  Amazing things are happening. People have looked at my page - 66 views!  Two of my friends have made comments to me.  There is a lot of pressure to produce something that is interesting.  On my twitter account I now have 9 followers!
Tara (my 10 year old daughter) has been so interested in what I am up to we had to spend a good amount of the evening setting her up.  I figured it may be a way to help her practice her reading and writing over the summer.  She is following Taylor Swift, Cody Simpson and Selena Gomez.  That is ok, as long as she is reading. 
I also got to explain to one of my son's friends why I was doing this.  He shared he had never done it he was afraid he would get addicted.  I thought about that, it's not was one of my reasons too.  I already feel so overwhelmed with everything I have to get done each day, how will this help me? Well, I have to walk on faith of the words of Dr. Alan November and hope that by learning to use the technology available it will in the long run SAVE me time.
But I think the best part of this whole experience has been the time spent with Tara. 
oh yea, Lane (chase's friend)  you made the blog! hope you tune in.
Writer's block....on the second day.  How embarrassing.

Friday, June 22, 2012

My first day

Today is the first day of my blog.  I've been thinking about a lot of things that I just need to get out of my head.  I have discovered that I can't answer a question, I always have to ask a question back instead of giving an answer.  What does that say about me? I don't know if I want to know the answer to that.  My posts will be RAnDom, so get ready if you tune in.  They could be about raising children, being married, God, education, science, money, politics - there is just no telling.
Now let's see how this works.