Hurrah for the nurse I encountered today. She showed me how she had learned to cut and paste on the computer so she wouldn't have to re-type everything. She was a very intelligent person - you can't get a nursing degree without being smart. She told me she didn't really learn it, someone explained it to her. I told her I thought it was fabulous. Each step we, digital immigrants, take into the new tech world is very important. Using the new tools will save us time and make us more creative. Another one of my techie hero - Ms. Angela Brotherton once explained to me, that when a person begins to use technology, they begin to think different. That statement rang with so much truth, it's what pushes me as an educator to keep trying to keep up with the kids. But I beg you children, don't give up on us please keep helping us oldies. As my very wise nurse shared today, when her kids were trying to show her how to put pictures on facebook they went to fast and gave up on her ability to "get it". She replied, " Do you think when I taught you to tie your shoes I did it really fast and only once?"
highlight text, contol c, control v
don't give up on us please
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